Pregunta médica

My breasts are very swollen especially the beak and have some veins half-bent to the side of the beak and my menstruation being late

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My breasts are very swollen especially the beak and have some veins half-bent to the side of the beak and my menstruation being late

Preguntado por Mujer de 32 años

visibility159 vistas
Nuestro profesional de la salud responde
You must know this are unspecific symptoms, that could mean a different type of things. If you've practiced sexual relations without protection it's important to practice a pregnancy test. If the result is negative, this could be related to the so called pre-menstrual syndrome, wich can present symptoms such as: - Sensibility or breast pain, as well as an increase in the breast's venous circulation. - Stomachache, abdominal and pelvic pain - Headache - Frequent mood swings - Constipation or diarrhea Among others, wich means that is possible that your period is close to arrival. It is important for you to know that menstruation does not come every month in the exact same date, without this necessarily represent a problem or alteration in the menstrual cycle. In any case, I suggest you practice safe sex, by using hormonal methods of birth control, that can prevent a non-wanted pregnancy. Remember that the condom is the only birth control that can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. I hope this response was helpful to you, thank you for using our platform. - Dolor abdominal y pelvico - Cólicos - Distensión o sensación de gases - Sensibilidad o dolor mamario - Dolor de cabeza - Irritabilidad y cambios de humor Por lo cual al tener una prueba de embarazo negativa y experimentar estos síntomas, es posible que se deban a que tu menstruación está próxima a llegar, pues es normal que ocurra una variación de algunos días entre un ciclo y otro, y que la menstruación no llegue en la misma fecha todos los meses. De igual modo te recomiendo practicar relaciones sexuales seguras, acudiendo a consulta de planificación para iniciar el método anticonceptivo que mejor se adapte a ti, y así evitar un embarazo no deseado de manera segura. Recuerda el uso del condón en cada relación sexual, pues es el único método anticonceptivo que evita el contagio de enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Espero haber sido útil, gracias por consultarnos.
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